Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007)

March 16

Crazy cinematography. Beautiful piece of film. A long movie like this would usually be boring beyond imagining, but the background music and lighting really helped. The narrator for this movie is probably the best narrator ever for a movie. Casey Affleck as Robert Ford should have won an award. His smile and demeanor was pure genius. While Brad Pitt was great, he looked too much like himself that it was hard to imagine him as that character. At first the knife to the throat scene was the best, but then the dusting of the picture scene came along. Those scenes were pure perfection, with an edge of ultimate tension. It was hard to follow some of the story because of the accents of the characters. The southern accents were actually pretty much dead on in this film compared to other films. The scenes following the assassination were fantastic beyond imagining. The great epilogue makes one forget about any of the flaws from earlier in the film. Why didn't this win many awards? Am I the only one who felt bad for Robert Ford in the end?


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