Friday, August 03, 2007

2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

"I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that." HAL

Date watched: August 2

Review: This movie puts Citizen Kane to shame. In the overrated department, that is. The first 25 minutes, absolutely nothing happens. Sure the monolith is an alien craft that advanced evolution. Showing monkeys doing random things for 20 minutes is completely boring. Showing random space stations and ships for another ten minutes is boring as well. If I wanted to see this stuff, I would watch the NASA channel. That isn't even the end of it though. The story finally starts, but it doesn't last long. A bunch of might as well be slow motion scenes ensue, leaving a total of five minutes of actual story. Stanley Kubrick, you are off your freaking rocker, you crazy man. People will say I do not understand the art of this film, and they are correct. Even after my friend explained a few things to me, that doesn't make up for the lack of any fun I had watching this film, except for the character HAL 9000, who is rarely in the film by the way.

Rating: 2.1/10.0

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