Saturday, March 31, 2007

300 (2007)

Date watched: March 30

Review: Overall a fun movie, good meaning, but enough slow motion to make me nautious. Though the acting wasn't brilliant, I enjoyed Gerard Butler and Lena Headey. The best part of the movie was the color schemes and how the movie was shot. The mythological approach was fun, but a few parts went overboard.

Rating: 8.2/10.0

Saturday, March 10, 2007

The Illusionist (2006)

Date watched: March 9

Review: Pretty good acting from Norton, Biel, and Giamatti, but nothing spectacular. The plot was very intriguing from the start. Overall it was a fun movie, but the ending was a let down. A little bit of an explanation would have been great, rather than some flashes. Everything that was flashed was understandable enough, but there were questions that the viewer doesn't get to know while the narrator does. The movie is too fun to rate it low though.

Rating: 9.0/10.0

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