Sunday, September 21, 2008

High Plains Drifter (1973)

September 20

Pretty crazy movie. Some great scenes, some boring scenes of preparing for what's to come. The movie is at its peak when Eastwood's the Stranger is kicking butt. There is too much going on to really tell if the Stranger is the man of justice he supposedly is portrayed as.


Friday, September 12, 2008

Burn After Reading (2008)

September 12

Coen Brothers are back in form. The first thirty minutes disappointed. Then it got funny. Especially the character Chad mixed with Linda. The dark twist kinda threw me off. After that though, it really escalated to extreme funny. J.K. Simmons sealed the deal at the end by knocking this movie up a few points. Clooney's paranoia versus McDormand's annoying capitulating mission is a hard choice to make for best performance. What did we learn here?


Bangkok Dangerous (2008)

September 6

The movie tried to be too serious for what it was. Even though I found myself smiling a lot during the film, I can't really say I enjoyed it much. A few unique action scenes with unique camera angles. The ending made sense at least.


Friday, September 05, 2008

Serenity (2005)

September 5

One of the greatest SF adventures of all time, and it should be. It had fourteen hour long TV episodes to develop the nine highly distinguished cast of characters and interesting landscapes for the worlds that develop from a war between the Alliance and the Independents. Based on the many thematic elements of individualism, you can tell whom the good guys are. This two hour conclusion is the perfect way to wrap up the tragically ephemeral TV showing. A few of the best characters will die, conclusions will be had, and the same wonderful wit of Jayne and the crew will incite laughter. Sorry for the grandiloquence; the creation of this 'verse from the mind of Whedon is a freaking masterminded masterpiece.


Marnie (1964)

August 30

Despite the Freudian slip, this film is another Hitchcock winner. The intriguing premise mixed with dazzling characters kept the suspense and mystery factor high. The horse chase is quite a scene. The twist is definitely unexpected.


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